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CommandPost is a free and open source macOS application that dramatically improves Apple's Final Cut Pro.
You can learn more at commandpost.io
Transfer Toolbox
Transfer Toolbox allows you to convert Final Cut Pro (for Mac) libraries into Final Cut Pro (for iPad) projects.
You can learn more at transfertoolbox.io
BRAW Toolbox
BRAW Toolbox allows you to import Blackmagic RAW files directly into Final Cut Pro without transcoding.
You can learn more at brawtoolbox.io
Gyroflow Toolbox
Gyroflow Toolbox allows you to import Gyroflow Projects into Apple's Final Cut Pro.
You can learn more at gyroflowtoolbox.io
Marker Toolbox
Marker Toolbox allows you to import Vimeo CSV, Dropbox Replay JSON & Email Comments into Apple's Final Cut Pro.
You can learn more at markertoolbox.io